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Frequently Asked Questions

Here you will find a list of complete and very practical answers. Don’t forget, our experts are best placed to answer your questions.
Am I able to have driving lessons in my own/family or friends car?
Yes!!! We absolutely 100% encourage this alongside your driving lessons with an instructor., This is a great way to practice skills and engrain what you have learned from your instructor. This is also great for confidence building Below is a checklist to ensure you are well prepared for learning in your own car;
  • The car is suitabley insured (You WILL need learners insurance for this). NEVER make any assumptions with insurance, always check everything with your insurer first before taking to the road
  • The vehicle is Roadworthy with a valid MOT and Tax
  • The tyres:
    • are correctly inflated (air pressures must reflect the manufacturer’s recommendation as a minimum).
    • have appropriate levels of tread
    • are not damaged
  • all indicators, headlights and brake lights are working
  • seats and seat belts are in good working order and are not damaged or twisted
  • any loose items in the cabin of the vehicle are stowed in the boot area (especially if practicing a controlled stop)
  • The Windows and Mirrors are suitably clean
  • The vehicle has sufficient fuel to last the course of the lesson (minimum recommended – a quarter of a tank)
Are automatic cars easier to drive?
In a nutshell, Yes!

This is because there is no clutch or changing of gears to worry about. This allows the driver/learner more time to focus on what is going on around them. It is also possible to pass quicker in an Automatic as you in theory need fewer lessons.

How do I book my driving test?
Your driving test can only be booked provided you have sucessfully pass the Category B Theory Test. Once you have done this, you can technically book your driving test using this link https://www.gov.uk/book-driving-test You SHOULD only ever use the official .gov link for booking a driving test. Any third party sites will add a booking charge onto the driving test fee which is currently £62 (more expensive on bank holidays). By using the official link you will also avoid scams.

Are you ready to pass?

This is the DVSA's NEW scheme to avoid wasted test slots by learners just "having a go". At D.M.S.M we will only allow a learner to use our vehicles once the learner has satisfied us of the following;

1. You do NOT need prompts from your instructor

2. You do NOT make serious or dangerous faults

3. You CAN pass mock driving tests

4. You have practiced ways of managing your nerves

5. Your driving instructor agrees you are ready.

You MUST satisfy D.M.S.M of all the above before we will allow you to use our vehicle(s) for a driving test.

How many lessons will I need to learn to drive?
This depends on the individual, as every student has different abilities, needs, levels of experience and different opportunities to practice. Be aware of anyone who “quotes” a number of lessons over the phone as it is impossible, without first assessing your current skill levels. Once you have had a couple of lessons and we have assessed your current skill level, ability and have ascertained how much practice you can obtain between lessons, we will be able to provide you with an accurate estimate.

Please keep in mind that you can never have too many lessons as the more professional training you have then the safer you will become prior to going solo.

Should I learn to drive in an automatic or manual car?
The decision to learn in an automatic transmission or a manual car depends upon many factors including personal choice, skill level, confidence and the cars you are able to practice in.

When will I be ready to go for the practical test?
This timeframe will vary for absolutely every student. You are ready for the practical driving test when you can drive confidently and consistently without the help of your instructor. As you are getting closer, your Instructor will run you through a mock test to gauge what stage you are up to.

However, to gauge whether you are nearing a test standard, we advice to use the DVSA's "Are you ready to pass" scheme.

1. You do not need prompts from your driving instructor.

2. You do not make serious or dangerous mistakes when you’re driving.

3. You can pass mock driving tests.

4. You have practised ways of managing your nerves.

5. Your driving instructor agrees you’re ready.

Why do I need to practice my driving?
Driving involves combining theory with physical skills and judgement. Practice is essential and the more practice you have, the less number of professional driving lessons you may require to be at the standard required to pass the test. Practice is vital to build that experience to help work towards becoming a safe driver.